It's COOL to be Catholic!

There is an abundance of the miraculous in our faith. Let's remember and share the wonder of it all. Loudly and often. Our Saints, our Blessed Mother and our Holy Trinity - Weekly receiving the very body and blood of Christ! It is an incredibly special thing to be able to call ourselves Catholic.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Consecrating oneself to GOD

In my strengthening my faith journey I have promised our Lord to read, listen to and learn at least one thing about our Catholic faith each day. Today's endeavours brought the discovery that 'consecrating' oneself does not involve laying yourself at the alter of GOD to be scorched by hellfire! If you had similar misgivings you can rest assured.
The Miriam Webster definition of Consecrating is:
1. Make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.
2. (in Christian belief) Make (bread or wine) into the body or blood of Christ.
Perhaps it was that second part of the definition that brought the awful visual of consecration to my mind. Most of us cannot begin to imagine and are utterly humbled when we take the time to think of what Jesus went through for us - because of us. To remind us of his sacrifice and sufferings we celebrate communion every weekend at Mass, where the Priest consecrates the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. That is a transformation that, although glorious, sounds painful.
Today, I was listening to my Lighthouse Catholic Media CD of the Month, "Gangland to Promise land," and the speaker reminded me about my Confirmation. Not something I have thought of for a second since receiving that sacrament... Also unsure if I am supposed to feel a measure of Catholic guilt at the fact that I haven't. At Confirmation we take the name of a Saint. The speaker reminded me of that fact and plead with the audience to strengthen our relationship with GOD by consecrating ourselves to our favorite Saint or the Saint we chose at confirmation. The name I took at Confirmation was Elizabeth.
I am not sure if I just liked the name Elizabeth or if I understood who Saint Elizabeth was at the time. Saint Elizabeth was Mary's cousin and one of the first to know of Mary's great blessing. Her husband Zachary was a Priest who had a vision of an Angel who told him, his beyond child-bearing years wife, Elizabeth would have a son and they were to name him John. Not much more is readily known about Elizabeth.
Today I learned how pivotal a role Elizabeth's family played in the Holy Family's life and that she is surely a Saint worthy of consecrating myself to.

Thank you for reading! If you are interested in the Lighthouse Catholic Media CD of the Month Club, please follow the below link and use PROMO CODE:  100947

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