It's COOL to be Catholic!

There is an abundance of the miraculous in our faith. Let's remember and share the wonder of it all. Loudly and often. Our Saints, our Blessed Mother and our Holy Trinity - Weekly receiving the very body and blood of Christ! It is an incredibly special thing to be able to call ourselves Catholic.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 Minutes to Divine Mercy

Really. It seems incredible. Unimaginable, even. That a mere mortal can gain God's mercy, for the entire world. All you need to do is pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Praying the the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3:00PM can stop war, instill peace and achieve endless blessings. And it takes just 15 minutes to pray.

Why make praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy a part of your every day? Because our Lord wants us to ask for, recieve His and give mercy. Unconditional love and forgiveness. Complete faith. Devout prayer. A strong relationship with Him. These are the things God wants for us. All of these things are easily obtained and all it takes is 15 minutes a day. He couldn't make it easier for us.

How do we know these are the things God desires for us? Besides the Bible, the many miracles and saints, specifically Saint Faustina Kowalska devoted her life to Divine Mercy. Her diary entries over the course of 10 years articulate her many encounters with Our Lord. Saint Faustina became a truly Christlike example, the majority not knowing of her suffering. It wasn't until after her death that the world would know of her choosen status or her great sacrifice.

No wonder my Father-in-Law has consecrated himself to this amazing saint. He must get his strength and a good measure of his faith from Saint Faustina Kowalska, of the Most Blessed Sacrement".

Be kind. Be merciful. Practice forgiveness. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily.

To Learn more about Saint Faustina and her selfless acceptance of her role in the Divine Mercy movement, you can read her book, Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul. You may also listen to The Saving Power of Divine Mercy, a talk by Father Jason Brooks. Order his talk on CD by going to Promo Code: 100947.

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